We provide IT services to clients globally as partners to understand technology driven business conversion initiatives. Our approach focuses on new ways of business combine IT perfection and acceptance while also leveraging an organization's current IT possessions.We founded in 2004 at Hyderabad India , and revolutionary the offshore software project and software product development process and we are a 100% export oriented unit (EOU).
We are young, lively team with excitement for delivering better-quality software solutions, products and customer service.
We provide a diverse range of domain based learning and hands on development programs to individuals and corporate learners. Our campus to corporate modules assist participants to become industry ready.
We offer Customized Software Development services for your every business needs. Our professionals have years of hands-on practical experience on the latest software technologies, delivering time bound projects around the world. We specialise in rapid prototyping and
solution conceptualization.
Penn Infotech helps our clients gain insight into their business in order to achieve the ROI. We employ experienced, mature, Business Consultants and Technologists that help our clients improve their business systems.
Technology is what drives us. We are truly passionate about using technology to help our clients take their business to the next level.